Its the 42nd day! yeaay!
Omg! i have been so occupied. My nanny took a weekend off and its taking a big toll on me, but i have been managing anyways, but not enough to have "me" time to blog. I have been terribly busy with these kids and all that could get to my head is how did my grandma manage in taking care of 11 kids after her husband died at an early age? I will never know cos she is gone, may the souls of all the faithful departed RIP.
More after the cut...
So I weighed in this week and I lost 4.4kg!
Yes! actually lost some "good" weight after 2weeks of almost poor weight loss.
Thanks to my cambridge weight plan and my ever busy hyper kids phew! (muah love you guys).
Am so thrilled I have done a come back!
I have so much energy now than I can ever remember.
My level of activity in a day is growing and I don't get tired so easily.
Am so happy ... My hubby is so happy we are working on the weight.
And I really want to thank him for loving me just the way I am and being there for me every step of the way, "obim, you can't imagine how much i appreciate you and adore you, you are the wind within my wings and love you unconditionally"
For all those sending me those beautiful wishes, you don't know what you guys are doing to my self confidence, I will forever hold you guys dear to my heart.
Next week is before and after photos week, looking forward to it too! *winks*
Hubby is back, let him manage the kids ( trust him on this) while I rush to market...
Will be back soon people, won't stay long in the market cos I hate shopping